
Archive for the ‘documentary’ Category

The Christian Faith – an ongoing documentation

In charismatic, christian, church, culture, despair, documentary, faith, joel boh, photojournalism, picturestory, salvation, singapore, slideshow, video on July 2, 2008 at 2:07 pm

Vodpod videos no longer available.

An ongoing documentation detailing healing services within the Christian community in Singapore. This audio slideshow chronicles a multitude of “broken people” turning towards the Christian faith as means to cope with despair and tragedy in their personal lives.

The adage “Ask and you shall be given, seek and you shall fine” rings true for some, as certain results can be miraculously instantaneous. Others cling onto their faith, in hope that eventually, God would come through for them.

Healing services, once considered “charismatic” and “new age” are now becoming more widely accepted as conservative Singaporeans evolve with the times.


In batam, children, documentary, joel boh, kids, photo, photojournalism, picturestory, reportage, slums on May 21, 2008 at 5:13 pm

Over the weekend, i visited the neighboring island of Batam, Indonesia. Tagged along with my aunt who happens to also be a lecturer at a tertiary institution in Singapore. Together with some 60-odd students in tow, we made the 45-min boat ride out of Singapore. It was madness having to look out for such a huge bunch i tell you. We met an ex-student of hers who now runs the entire gamut of businesses from solid fuel manufacturing to pubs, restaurants and private apartments.

It was supposed to be an educational trip for the students and i was there to help. So, it wasn’t exactly an assignment per se. But i decided to lug along gear just to maintain that discipline of being always intentional and purposeful. By being always ready, i am not worried about being caught out without gear when my next subject shows up.

Considering how little time i have to myself at the end of the day (not to mention how exhausted i was), i have no time to wander the streets on my own. Wandering around a foreign land gives me a sense of purpose. (read about my China trip) You just don’t know what to expect. Just engaging people by communicating to them boggles my mind at how diverse and different one human being is from the other. When words and languages fail, even the simplest hand gestures could convey universal understanding.

Below, some kids from the local squatter settlement. 

“So full of despair, but yet so full of life.”

Nobody said that life was fair. 


Praying for the nation

In audio, Christ, church, devotion, documentary, film, Healing, joel boh, picturestory, pray, religion, show, singapore, slides, worship on April 18, 2008 at 7:12 pm

Vodpod videos no longer available.
One voice. One spirit. Hundreds of Christians gather every last Friday of the month to pray for the affairs of the nation at a local Church in Singapore.

In the 2 hour session, believers worship, paint, dance, pray and soak in the presence of God.

Being raised in a conservative Christian home, this is part of an on-going articulation & exploration of the religious psyche that is a part of me. Or like they always say – the evidence of my existence.

For related postings, have a look at the archives on Inner Healing

Remnants of Xiamen

In documentary, joel boh, photojournalism, picturestory, street photography on April 6, 2008 at 5:26 pm

Remnants of doing street photography in Xiamen. The following are excerpts from my personal journal which i struggle to find time to keep up with.


The other night, i decided to venture down right the alley instead of the usual route left – which yields only shopping districts 1 after the other. Not unlike the streets of Mongkok, Hongkong, only less human traffic. Turning down right was a good call. Seeing the people of Xiamen live their lives. It’s a vast difference from the “sanitized” point of view we’ve been exposed to in the short time we were here. For the people of Xiamen do not wine and dine in fine restaurants like we do. They survive on home made broth and simple dishes with rice and noodles. Even at 11pm in the night, i’ve walked past many a family congregating over dinner and a small TV screen. Male bachelors in pairs gambling and puffing on their cigarettes in the basement of their shop houses. Large billboards exhorting values and ideologies of the Chinese Communist Party reflect the pale light off street lamps.
Compared to Singapore, Hongkong or Beijing, Xiamen is not a vibrant city by far, but what it lacks in vibrancy, it makes up with soul. Maybe, it takes a foreigner who’s far removed from its culture to be able to notice the intricate beauty in the mundane toll of everyday life. A foreigner like myself. 
Late into the night walking alone in uncharted streets of downtown Xiamen, i decided against carrying along the MK-ii, my usual workhorse camera. Instead, i opted for the small plastic EOS 66, and a basic 50mm f1.8. Choosing stealth ahead of class has its advantages. It allowed me to be discreet, to hang around longer observing more than i will be able to,  especially with the bulky MK-ii. Score one in the eternal debate for film over digital.

* all pictures shot on Fujichrome Provia 400 X slides and Acros Neopan 100 b/w film and drum scanned.